my bf likes to watch girls kiss and i had the feelin he wanted me 2 kiss a girl so i started 2 aviod him a lil. then i found out what a real jerk he is when i saw him hit a girl on her on her back from our school 4 no freakin reason. then i thought im goin out w/ a complete psycho path. then i let the realationship run til he started actin funny and my dad kinda got suspicious so i dumped my bf. the look on my bf's face look like he was goin 2 jump off a bridge and it felt srry 4 him and i was really upset and i still am. i still love him and i def know he loves me. should i give him another chance to redeem himself or just stay friends and let destiny do all the work? im confused! PLZ HELP!
i broke up w/ him and i kinda regret it. i want him back!
13 years ago