I am very afraid of love

11 years ago

We are loving each other for 4years. but his mother said NO for our marriage. also she said if you marry that girl means... i will commit suicide. because of cast problem. now he also said NO. he dont want to lose his mother. what should i want to do? all are trying to convince me only. but no one knowing that i gonna miss the 50yrs of life. am very wexed. am i am in a state to commit suicide. but i doesn't have guts too.

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" What is the point of showing all the love you have to someone who does not even appreciate it... "

- ~Sharista~</3» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Favourite Hippy

Author: Daniel★★★
Our personalities mesh and mingle,
Your voice so soft and sweet,
Inside I feel this tingle,
I want to sweep you off your feet.
Our conversations go on for hour after hour, ...(Cont.)