I m in love with one guy frm past 4 yrs..in intial days he was agreed to marry but due to my family problems i denied to marry.. but now a days i am asking him to speak with his father for our marriage..he dont agreed for it saying his family will not accept our relation. his father is a heart patient .Thats why i dont force him to ask his father for our marriage. But I dont want to marry any other person..now a days he is saying me to marry a person of my family choice..I want to know what to do now to save my this relation...
12 years ago
Find the problem next nail on it and try to figure out y then if all doesn't work try going out on more + more dates and build ur trust!:)
U can do it! Carolyn -
12 years ago
This a an rather delicate sitution you At one time he was available to you and now he has problems in his family and doesn't want to push the issue. I think the best thing is to ask him why he feels if best for you to marry someone else at least make sure he is still in love with you and talked to him from the heart as they say and leRat him know you only want him and apologize for your not already together. Let him know you only think about him and how you can make happiness together and so on. I wish you the best Rajni...
" i'm not afraid to die, but my fear is if i die, who will love YOU as much as i do? "
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - FINE
Author: Britney★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Are you a Love Letter? cuz u have FINE written all over u! |