I am in love with this guy and he said he loved me too. We acted as if we were dating for the last 2 weeks of school testing. He told me he would ask me out at the end of summer when he came back from New Jersey (visiting his mom). I agreed to this. Now Im moving about half hour away from him and he feels the distance is going to make a relationship fall through. Im devoted to only him and I want to make it work. I can even see him every weekend. How do I make him see that it will all work out if he just gives it a chance?
14 years ago
From what i understand, he just feels that the distance can be a problem. I think you should just love him as you love him now. If he still don't feel the same way, then I guess you should not spend any more of your time for someone like him. He is not worth your love.
14 years ago
i think if he really loves u hed do anything just to be with u even tho it means being far from u atleast u guys are together and know at u guys love each other
14 years ago
HEY GIRL WILL 1ST TAKE TIME TO THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU REALLY WANT , WHAT you think is best for you? I do not want to sound mean but in NJ there are some vey HOT girls so make sure he is really with his MOM ok and Distance does not matter if you love him and he loves u back then your good. Love SNOOKIE FROM i bet you dont believe its really me but i love to kill time on this website! Remember keep your HUMP HIGH!!
" Where there is great love, there are always miracles. "
- Willa Cather » Love Quotes
Love Poem - An Illness
Author: Huney'Beeh★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
This pain in my heart that I can't explain, Each day this pain I gain and gain Wish you were with me But this is what we call destiny. You can't always get what you want ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |