How do i know he likes me?

12 years ago

he's a weird boy i don't really act to nice around him, but i still show him my respect we're close but not to much. He's usually bad but when he's around me he's really nice i'm starting to fall for him. How do i know he likes me and if he does what should i do please help!!

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  • 12 years ago

    Yup he love u....if he dnt luv u dn he wn act nice wen he's wt u......he act nice cz he like u.....n he's a bit shy 2 tel u.....xo c'mon make the move u shud hav the guds to say it by uaslf b4 it's 2 late.....hurry up!!;-)

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Love Poem - Love

Author: Prabeen★★★★
love is life
life is not a love
love and have a good life