The man i love does not want to be with me because he says we have nothing in coomon. I belive he does not want to be with me because of his parents but i could be wrong, when i met his parents they were nice to me. I love and i want to give this love a chance how can i get him so that we can be together.I tried to forget him but i cant.
13 years ago
I'm going through the same situation de man of my dreams is with someone else. It breaks my heart to see him with someone else because I love more than anything. I just feel lyk fucking her up so badly she stole my man from me.
13 years ago
hey me 2 goin thru d same i cn understand hw u mst b feelin
bt u cnt force nybdy 2 luv u...wt u cn do ryt nw is talk 2 him express him ur feelings nd yeh koi baat nai hui ki u dnt hav nythn common its jst way of 2 him if he understands u its gud nd if he dosnt den he ds nt deserve ur love... -
13 years ago
i did tell him that i was in love with him..last i talked to him was in 4months ago. The weird thing is we liked each other in high school i never thought after 7 years he would come looking for me and it took 7 months of being together for him to end things. i do not know if he is afarid to start something with me since he was hurt by his ex girl friends...I kept telling him i was hurt by my ex's as well and i would never do what his ex's did to him. I never felt this way about someone i really do not want to lose him after talking all this many years...i was i can find the right words to say to him to make him belive me that i'm love with him truly, and that there is a reason god brought him and i together and i do not want to lose him his a nice human.. i just wish there was something i can do to make this right..I tried to stop loving him and forget him some how i can seem to do's always been easy to forget about a realtionship for me once it ended but this one i can seem
13 years ago
The man I love have a few things in comon with me but after what we beenn through not having things in comon couldn't mess us up.The man I love tells me he loves me we been together for 10 months now and we're been off and on for the last 3 months and now he say that we go out but then don't because we need to work on what we have and at first I broke up with him and said that we'll see how long we can stad without eachother and we didn't even stop talking for more than two weeks and we've done this more than twice I really love him and I know he really loves me too and now he wants me to ask him back out and he know that I can't do that and not because I just dont want to but I fear that he might say no even thoe I know he won't I can trust him even thoe a lot of people told me not to even after I cheated on him as he likes to say even though we was not going out that night when that thing happened he still took me back I maybe had to open my heart to lep him in even though he walked
13 years ago
Its a fine line between being in love and loving some one pick which one it is and dont make a mistake. The one you tell those few words could be the wrong one and not the one he/she was looking for. Don't just tell somebody that you love or that your in love before your heart, mind and body tells you.
P.S. you'll know what I mean by your body telling you when it happens -
13 years ago
I do love I have told him that I love him and I did not want things to end..I want him back but I don't know how to get him back.I can't stop thinking about him I constantly ask myself what I could of done better or how can I get him back.I never felt this way and I don't want to look back 5to years from and wonder what if or what I could have done..all I know is what i feel for him is very specia l love him very much my heart aches very bad I wish things were different..
13 years ago
jst lv him nd mk him feel dat u lv him dearly nd b fair vd him alwyzzz...jst try to knw d actual reason behind his refusal,jst lv him dearlyyyy
13 years ago
How can I make him feel or see my love I have not talked to him for almost 4done months..I tried to calling him last october but he didn't answer my call..I don't want to give but a part of me is telling me to move on maybe I lost him for good..all I can do is leave it up to god I don't know what else to matter what happens in this life time I will always love him..
13 years ago
You have to move on. I was in a similar situation and i realised i was hanging on to my past and that i really didn't love him at all. I wasted years in self denial 'I do love him, i do love him' but you really need to see you havent got a future anymore you haven't seen him for 4months he isn't answering your calls. You need to move on think about the mistakes you made and get on with your life, i felt like the world was lifted off my shoulders when i realised everything. It will seem harsh now but later you'll thank me, don't waste years like i did.
13 years ago
How can I make him feel or see my love I have not talked to him for almost 4done months..I tried to calling him last october but he didn't answer my call..I don't want to give but a part of me is telling me to move on maybe I lost him for good..all I can do is leave it up to god I don't know what else to matter what happens in this life time I will always love him..
13 years ago
I'm missing the man I love..I wish things were different as time goes by it's getting harder to stop loving him I miss him alot and I feel more in love now then I did when I was with him ..
13 years ago
well this is exactly like me so (embarassed)i am in love with my neighbor and i was sure he like liked me back but im pretty sure he told his dad about me likeing him and he teases me like yesterday he was like "ohhh going so see your boyyfriend .... your going the wrong way and he points to his house " isnt that bad!! as u can probably tell im young (13) hes 14 but im sure he wouldnt tell his dad cause he teases alot but im thinking how did he kniw snooping that would be bad for a guy too .... but honesly evryone says he likes me alot but im verry shy like i seem confedent but im more of an emotional wreck what can i do k have already caught him staring at me when i do gymnastics but whT can i do to like talk to him more we were like bestiez but now hes acting a little strange
" I will still love you with all that I have even though you are not mine... not because I'm a fool.... It is simply because ... " » Full Quote
- saatish kumar @ jay» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Love Is A Feelings
Author: Stephen★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
love feels good you cant take it all at onece. lots of people wil love you. some people sweet talk for love some just be nice. you should share,love,care alot for some one alot.have fun loving till death and after ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |