11 years ago
In his past he loved another girl and in present i am committed with him. Many times i asked him to get marry with me but he always reject.he always replies that there is some problem in his family. Please suggest me how i can convince him to get married with me. I am too upset for this.
11 years ago
- Better u choose another good guy . Bcoz he didn't luv u . He luving his past lover oly .he luving u not truley its time pass oly . After some days surley he will break wid u and avoiding u .
11 years ago
hey u will get there no matter what it will take time but he will cme bak to yuo okaye so just stop worry and just think postive xxx
11 years ago
Don't bug him about just let him Ask you when he is ready.
" the most beautiful event is when you saw the person who you loved being happy and smiling like an angel "
- Aurelia Wipranata» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Love
Author: Prabeen★★★★ |
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love is life life is not a love love and have a good life love,love,love |