11 years ago
I have a crush on a boy but it is hard to tell if he has a crush on me. He looks at me a lot and sometimes smiles at me. He always wants to do stuff at school with me also. There is a dance coming up and i want to ask but how do I? I NEED TO KNOW PLZ HELP ME.
11 years ago
my sister dat lever u'r stearing on da brai stand wil get cold in sme1's els mouth soon. if u'r dat close y waiting! myb he feel da sme 2 & myt b scared or shuy 2 tel u! u r + & he is - so u both attruct.
We wnt 2 c Luv burning lyk hell btwn u & him. dnt 4gt 2 update us, I n I xpectn Gud news.
Blessed More Fire!
" When love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony. "
- William Shakespeare» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Missing You
Author: Harani★★★★ |
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Its not ur mistake if u cant read d eyes which cheats u.But its really ur mistake if u cant read d eyes which loves yo |