engaged matters

13 years ago

Okay...so me and this guy ive known have gotten engaged. We have never met officially, meaning we have seen each other before we knew each other but only recently started talking and all that. I live in Virginia and he lives in Texas. He tries to come see me but everytime something always stops him. Do you think he is actually trying or that he is lying to me?

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  • 13 years ago

    hi . its really soon to know what is he up to......... but as you told you two have never know each other well so its not good to come to a conclusion ...... you can do one thing jus one weekend take a off suprise him .you jus go n meet him up. n speend a weekend with him know him what he is upto... before its late .as always said better late then never............ feel free to mail me or call me at [email protected] n my no is 8653828598.... you love adviser.......hope i helped u in some ways n could help you till the end when ever you need to

" If he deserved you he would have stayed with you. If he didn't stay with you then you are too good for him. "

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