11 years ago
how can i make him attract towards myself...as sometimes he use to ignore me...and also he is so much flirty to every girl and take care of them in front of me...but he discuss every thing to me about them and he always says he loves me alot but still i am confused
" ''in life ..there is always one special person,,so special,,that no matter what that person does to you ..you just can't let ... " » Full Quote
- stardust el» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Sex
Author: Cc lajuette★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
he says that he loves you you say it to. he pulls down his pants and yours to.he knows that you love him but he still dose it to. 9 months later you plow up and next thing you no he caught a truck.and that should tell you ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |