destructive boyfriend

13 years ago

me and this guy chuck we met at a part y as we were the only ones sitting at te sofa finding the whole thing completely surreal ,we started taking shots(even though we are 16) we ended up going back to his we did it and i woke up in his bed the next morning on saturday , i told my dad i had slept at a mates house,he woke me up and made me breakfast well his maid did that (turns out hes quite rich) throughout the whole day he txted me and we went to dinner that evening he was really nice ,i new he had a rep for drugs, drink and being a bit dark but i thought it was all rubish, we went out for a bit , he asked me over and tablets were all over he had over dosed we went to hospitalk it turned out his brother died ,when i told chuck i had called his dad he switched on me and lashd out he called me that night, weh he was discharged i helped him move back into his home, we were ok for a bit but he was depressed ignoring me ,drunk all the tie i had to sobre im up at school it was too much , i went round his house and he tried it on but he was really rough so i said no , but my arms are really sore and he seems veery un trusstworthy , my guy best mate saw them and hes worried , i ended up black mailing chucks mate into telling me where he was i found him with someone else ........... turns out im 3 moths along what to do?

Post Your Reply

  • 13 years ago

    Dear Ellie

    No girl deserves to have gone through what you have. You are still very young, and have so much going for you...and the choices you make now can potentially affect the rest of your life.
    You need to STAY AWAY from Chuck. He needs a therapist, some rehab and time away from people like you, who he is hurting! So break contact with him...I know it's hard, but hurt people hurt other people and you need to sort your situation out.
    I would suggest that you get hold of a school counsellor or psychologist as soon as possible. If you don"t want to tell your parents, that's ok, but they will eventually find out. Get help IMMEDIATELY! You need lots of advice and love now. I can't tell you what to do with your baby, but this I can tell you:
    1) Get help and advice from people who you can trust, are older and have more life experience
    2) Break contact with Chuck
    3) Forgive yourself
    4) Take each day as it comes...things will get better, and whatever choice you make...k

  • 13 years ago

    Dear Ellie

    No girl deserves to have gone through what you have. You are still very young, and have so much going for you...and the choices you make now can potentially affect the rest of your life.
    You need to STAY AWAY from Chuck. He needs a therapist, some rehab and time away from people like you, who he is hurting! So break contact with him...I know it's hard, but hurt people hurt other people and you need to sort your situation out.
    I would suggest that you get hold of a school counsellor or psychologist as soon as possible. If you don"t want to tell your parents, that's ok, but they will eventually find out. Get help IMMEDIATELY! You need lots of advice and love now. I can't tell you what to do with your baby, but this I can tell you:
    1) Get help and advice from people who you can trust, are older and have more life experience
    2) Break contact with Chuck
    3) Forgive yourself
    4) Take each day as it comes...things will get better, and whatever choice you m

  • 13 years ago

    I think you should get choldsupport call. The police tell your patents the truth and stay as faraway from him as you can!!!! Sorry I'm being chased by girls who hate me but love Brandon and is saying he's theirs awww sorry I'll be more helpful later ahhhhhh

  • 13 years ago

    Ok I got away I say you need to go away from that chuck guy he's dangerous if he gets near the baby whether it before or after it's born he could kill or hurt you and the baby people at rehab will help him and he'll meet other friends just take this advice and make the right decision

  • ray
    13 years ago

    he loves you ,you need to help him not any1 else

" i'm not afraid to die, but my fear is if i die, who will love YOU as much as i do? "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther

Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★
The Duke’s Daughter
Monday morning at the castle I arrive
Homeless, and deprive
The only family I have was a white Pekin
A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.)