
11 years ago

I really love this guy called Conor. We used to go out but his friends didn't approve because they are still friends with my ex. Conor decided he would rather have friends then me but I can understand that because I would do the same. But It's not hard to tell he still loves me because just the other day he sent me a loaf of kisses on Facebook so I rung him up to ask him why he put them and he said because he still like me. He obviously forgot. I really don't know what to do now. Please give me some advice...

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" you know one thing time is a cheat….when I saw you I thought my time turned great….! I thought there would come a ... " » Full Quote

- cherry» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Yours Never Again

Author: Ashley★★★
forever and for alaways
to NEVER be
yours again
even if you never knew
for i am through with ...(Cont.)