Confused lovers

13 years ago

Hi, me and my boy friend are together from last one year, we have been very good friends all the time and many times he talk about ,how it will go if we get married, but couldnt really express any serious decision for it. Whne I asked him about this, he said, there is much problems on his family side which needs to be solved 1st and then he will think about marriage.Previously he used to directly mention me as if i was his wife ,when talking about marriage things in our life, now he is reluctant to say it directly, but he alwys mention that he loves me and he is there with me wont leave me ever which I trust , But I am just confused why its confusing for him to say I am the one he is going to have as her wife , instead of saying he is there with me and wont leave me alone, I am just very confused why he cant make up this decision instead of the fact we both agreed that we are happy with each other and can be good life partners?

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  • 13 years ago

    Usce seriously pucho tm mjc shadi karoge ya ni or i leave you.dnt waste my andur time.

  • 13 years ago

    why the hell i have fear of loosing him ??? why i think he will betray me ???? i love him very much but why i dun have trust in him ???? i m too much confused ...........if he ever ignore me for some time i wish to die that time ............ i always think negatively .... if he wont gave me importance i thought he dun feel love for me ........ friends and family said that he will cheat you ......... i loose concentration on my studies ........ just think about him every time

  • 13 years ago

    why the hell i have fear of loosing him ??? why i think he will betray me ???? i love him very much but why i dun have trust in him ???? i m too much confused ...........if he ever ignore me for some time i wish to die that time ............ i always think negatively .... if he wont gave me importance i thought he dun feel love for me ........ friends and family said that he will cheat you ......... i loose concentration on my studies ........ just think about him every time

  • 13 years ago

    Hi neha.m.s...... Me sridhar.s i love u sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much darling wy can't u under stand my fellings

" I'm praying to forget him after he told me thats his wish... damn painful.He is still not the same who was crazy on me! " » Full Quote

- Sindhu» Love Quotes

Love Poem - FINE

Author: Britney★★★
Are you a Love Letter? cuz u have FINE
written all over u!