Confused love...

12 years ago

I met a guy online just 3 months back and became a friend. During our first conversation online it self i shared about my personal life that i had an affair he cheated me and all such things and told him that now am not intrested in anybody. But this person convinced me not to worry and proposed me that time then i accepted his proposal after 4 or 5 days and told him that loving is alright but to marry is tough bcoz ours will be inter religion marriage but he convinced me in that and gave assurance that we will marry at any cost dont worry and we exchanged our photos online. later he approached me that he wants to have X with me i dint agree but since i love him so deeply now i agreed for that and shared all the inner feelings each other but still we dint have X bcoz of busy schedule. In between all these he was suffering from some finance problem so i my self took the initiative and helped him bcoz i dont wanna see him struggling since he is not ready to take help from anybody first time he hesitated to take help then he agreed. First time when i met him is to give money and second time also i met him to give money.When he asked me for X ones we could not meet i asked him atleast meet me just simply not fo x so he told i cant control my feelings so cant meet u simply only for x i will meet. Third time onwards started depositing in his account since he said he cant meet me bcoz of his busy schedule. In these 3 months of love i have helped him 5 times. He said that he will repay it back. Now am not worried about money since i trust him. My concern is when i called him 5th time to give money he requested to deposit the money bcoz he cant meet coz of busy. Am confused why he doesnt want to meet me and now a days he is bit avoiding me very less communication. I am confused to proceed or not? Plz suggest...

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  • 12 years ago

    i thnk he is a cheatr prsn u hv 2 judge hm by gvng hm chance

  • Pav
    12 years ago



    I am not saying all the guys out their who meet online are idiot's of nth order! Some are very trust worthy and few online friendships turn into love and then have a happy ending at wedding!

    But,Nazz in your case, he does not sound right...stop feeding him money.
    I cant believe this guy! he is free to meet you if u agree for X , but he is busy man on earth if u want to meet him in person??!!! yeah right! He sounds to me as a gold digger.

    Nazz,you already been in a broken relationship once, plz dont hurt yourself by involving with a man u cares for ur money and X, but not you. by the way inter-cast marriage is very very very tough....he cant do it. i am sure!
    Because,with a strong financial background, and a good family record still its very hard to convince parents n relatives....i have seen my friend going through tough ....i think he can not do it.

    plz dont hurt urself again....__**I feel u are on t

  • Pav
    12 years ago


    plz dont hurt urself again....**I feel u are on the way to board that "Hurt train!"**

    Takecare naaz...

" i'm not afraid to die, but my fear is if i die, who will love YOU as much as i do? "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - An Illness

Author: Huney'Beeh★★★
This pain in my heart that I can't explain,
Each day this pain I gain and gain
Wish you were with me
But this is what we call destiny.
You can't always get what you want ...(Cont.)