
14 years ago

I am in love with this certain guy who is already committed to someone. I know he also has a thing for me but we can't engage into a relationship because he has promised the girl that he won't leave her. He is really a man of words. I have finally decided to move on but I find it hard to do so since we are in the same crowd. Instead of moving on, I am loving him more. What will I do? Should I go out with him and talk about this so that we can both settle to one decision?

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  • SAt
    14 years ago

    Forget about that guy whoz already committed just move on make a new friend who cares about you.Share every thing with him after some time you will see that you moved oN

  • 14 years ago

    hi miss confused,i can understand what u must b goin thru since m also in a same kind of a situation. the girl with whom i was in luv for the last 4 yrs is already married.i think the best u can do here is to move on and engage youself in some activities so tha u dnt think abt him al d d vry best

  • 14 years ago

    well im in love with this boy. he is a complete player,but for som reason,i love him.he has gone out with all my friends. its like he has to have a gf. its kinda anoying.well we hung out one day,that day he asked out my friend. then he asked me out.! i just dnt understand. then we went back to school and he asked he out agian. she said no.. but they might as well go out. its just like they are. i never told her. but i feel like crap. what do i do?

  • 14 years ago

    love iz a tricky thing to handle in life,bt u kan decide rather ur gonna put up wid it. just lyk how im in love wid a player. idk y bt i am. so none of my friends have advice for me,the only thing i can do iz try to fight it. i cry every night cuz idk wut to do. so everytime i c hem,i try not to look at hem. i dnt even talk to hem. if he trys to talk to me,i say hi. then i walk away. i kno it seems lyk a mean thing to do,bt he did me wrong. so now its my turn. am i doing the right thing?

  • 14 years ago


  • 14 years ago

    i love a guy who is already committed....but dis guy has feelings for me.he is having a bad time with his gal friend for past 6 months....i was his friend and i fell in love with him.same with him too.kindly advice are we in right path ... should we continue the relationship...He loves my care and affection which he didnt recieve from his gal friend....He wants me....

  • 14 years ago

    but...things are out of ma control friends....nothing i can do....i know what am doing is not fair against that gal.....but he loves me alot....he is suffering alot trying to answer his conscience which is killing him.....nowadays he has stopped laughing...always he is thinking about dis problem.....he is much stressed...i can see dis difference in him .....i am with all day from morning 8 to night ten.....we work in same difficult....i am not ready to leave him like dis....he lost his happiness...and peace of worried for him...i love him friends....wat am i to to bring him back to not ready to jus leave him like dis and go....

  • 14 years ago

    but...things are out of ma control friends....nothing i can do....i know what am doing is not fair against that gal.....but he loves me alot....he is suffering alot trying to answer his conscience which is killing him.....nowadays he has stopped laughing...always he is thinking about dis problem.....he is much stressed...i can see dis difference in him .....i am with all day from morning 8 to night ten.....we work in same difficult....i am not ready to leave him like dis....he lost his happiness...and peace of worried for him...i love him friends....wat am i to to bring him back to not ready to jus leave him like dis and go....

    well i dnt think its fair to that grl.. bt its not fair to u too. and its really not fair to him. he is hurting.

" Relationship is not just a word, It's perfect match between two souls, It's a silent commitment, Which says, I will be with ... " » Full Quote

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Love Poem - Take This Ring

Author: Xavier Johnson★★★
I used to ask myself what love is all about.
I only know that it's something I cannot be
without. I think of you when I wake and
before I sleep. Not having you to complete me
just makes me weak. I love everything about ...(Cont.)