cheating boyfriend

11 years ago

So i truly believe my bf is hiding someone in our house. I see the shadows but havent caught the actualperson. Everyone stares towards the stranger when they come over. What do i do

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  • 11 years ago

    tell him its over and find some clues after that get back with him

  • 11 years ago

    trick your boyfriend into admitting that he is hiding someone in your house

  • 11 years ago

    Kinda creepy just say you are going out of town for the week and have cameras all over the house to check

  • 10 years ago

    put up small hidden cameras in every hall way and every single room, closet

  • 10 years ago

    Confront him. If he's a good bf he'll tell you what's up. Or just leave him cause if he is cheating then he isn't the one for you and he doesn't truly love you.

  • 10 years ago

    be frank with him. and clear all your doubts. maybe the thing is different than you think?

  • 10 years ago

    Jst watch his steps u will cught him one day....but never judge unseen act.

  • 10 years ago

    I his name was Jason then yess.Im sorry if i cheated on your boyfriend

  • 10 years ago

    ask him if he was your boyfriend you will trust him and you will be honest to each other

  • 10 years ago

    kick his ass to the cerb and if he got a problem get him to tell u the truth cause if he really loves u he would tell u everything

  • 10 years ago

    OMG! The same thing happened to me and I"m married! I took solid boards and nailed tiny, SHARP nails through them to where the pointy end was sticking up out of the board, and then I placed it everywhere I thought someone was hiding. Never caught anyone, but the blood was evidence that they indeed DID step on my trap. All my husband said was, "whose blood is that?" I'm like, "uh, i don't know, YOU TELL ME!" I haven't had anyone hiding anymore cause they don't know what kind of booby trap I"ve left for them. I tried the security camera thing, that didn't work too good as ALL I COULD SEE was a shadow of someone coming UNDER it, and then they cut it off. THAT is why I resorted to the booby trapping - I was hoping I'd hear a scream or something and be able to catch them, but just by virtue of the fact there was bloody footprints in my home office, told me they got the drift. But for all I know, it could have just been somebody coming in my house without even my husband's knowledge - I still don't know, I just know I've not had anymore problems with anyone hiding in my house since then, and ONE of my contraptions was REALLY dangerous, and I"m quite glad they didn't walk through that one. I don't wanna kill anybody, I just wanted to know who had been coming in my house and hiding, AND IF THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH MY HUSBAND in some way. Like I said though, it stopped after I put all the boards around the house with the nails sticking through them. I know it sounds barbaric but I'd been trying for 2 years to catch them with no avail, til I did that, and I didn't necessarily catch them, but they did stop.

  • 10 years ago

    i love a boy his name is aryan arindam sil. he also ssid me will you marry me?? i replied sure he not loves me...He also like sex bad fucking...But i dont like fucking nd sex.... He also heart me...But i know he loves me or lovees me not? i rlly love him. He is my everything..

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