11 years ago
i have a bf who named renz but he is far to me... we almost 11 months but we didnt see ech other until now.... i feel his sincere love but sometimes he is irratated he mutterd me a bad words but i dont care coz i love him... he is so moody... a jealous boy... but he said he love me... he has ex .. who continue texting him and i doubt if he text her too... what do i have to think?
" Late at night when all the world is sleeping, i stay up and think of you. "
- Unknown» Love Quotes
Love Poem - It Is Love
Author: Lawal Kehinde★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
If ever there was a felling that could bring joy in the hardest of times; it would be your love. If ever there was a feeling that could bring comfort in the saddest of times; it would be ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |