broken heart

Nowadays I m missing him more and more but he has another girlfriend and even I couldn't forget him what should I do?

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  • eka
    12 years ago

    we cant forget someone from the past... they should be our memories... but, we must let him go.. coz' he was choose the best for his life.. just passion and pray to God... hope that we can let him go... and continuing our life normally. . good luck for U girl... ^_^

  • 12 years ago

    don't be so affected. it takes time for you to move on. but still you need to prove him that his lost not cause you can. don't force yourself to move on just relaxed and take a deep breathe and say " I CAN DO IT "..

  • 12 years ago

    If you really love him, think of his happiness. Can you feel happy when he is with you even though while his heart is belonging to other one? Let by gone, be by gone.

" Two souls with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one. "

- Friedrich Halm» Love Quotes

Love Poem - FINE

Author: Britney★★★
Are you a Love Letter? cuz u have FINE
written all over u!