best m8

13 years ago

I like my best friend but i dont know wether he likes me. H ow do i show that i likw him withot stopping our friendship. I've tried flirting and getting my friends to tell him about me so i dont know what else to do

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  • 13 years ago

    Liking your best friend sucks, But i find that just being straight up is the best way to go. If he rejects you try to still be friends. He will respect your confidence by being straight up with him

" Love is not about how many times u say "I LOVE U" but how much u can prove it is true!!! "

- jody mentel» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Sex

Author: Cc lajuette★★★
he says that he loves you you say it to. he
pulls down his pants and yours to.he knows
that you love him but he still dose it to. 9
months later you plow up and next thing you
no he caught a truck.and that should tell you ...(Cont.)