14 years ago
i really lv some one but he ask me that he love some one else i really lv him......pls advice something...........
13 years ago
Continue to love him and show him love; but don't over do it, don't be pushy and respect his relationship and his feelings. If you really love someone, their happiness means a lot to you. So continue to be a friend (assuming that you all are friends) and if its meant to be it will be. I know that sounds cliche' but it turns out to be true if the love is true.
" "To my dying breathe i cannot forget you, to my aching heart i cannot touch you but still after all the pain i felt my mind ... " » Full Quote
- Jharana C. (im only 12 ._.)» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Take This Ring
Author: Xavier Johnson★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
I used to ask myself what love is all about. I only know that it's something I cannot be without. I think of you when I wake and before I sleep. Not having you to complete me just makes me weak. I love everything about ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |