about reletion ship

13 years ago

may name is anjali i meet rajeet 10 years back.i'm very close to rajeev.& love so much and i think rajeev also like me.but he not tell me.i can't live wiyhout rajeev.plz tel me what can i do?

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  • 13 years ago

    Okay me and my boyfriend have been together four three years and all he want to do is spend time with his friends and family i mean he spend time with me too but not like want him too and when we do spend time together where in the house i mean we use to go out until money start getting low but want to beable to have a good time sometimes but he always complaing about riding the bus or something how do i get him to spend a little more time with me!!!

  • 13 years ago

    My wife is not Setifection for me relationship. so what i do?

  • 13 years ago

    My wife is not Setifection for me relationship. so what i do?

  • hjk
    13 years ago

    as all would fall in love i fell for a guy who was my lecturer in college. since i fell he had an affair with an another girl. i never proposed him. i kept looking him from far away for couple of years. later when i was in my final end of col days, wen i knew he had a break up with that girl, i thought of proposing him.

    i started to speak with in the name committee member as he was heading it. that was only reason i went into the committee, as hez 5 years elder to me he is bit matured. he was good, loving and at times i felt the warmth of his love. one day i decided to propose him. we were on phone late nites and finally i proposed him.

    that nite he told me to wait for a year to look into things and factors to get him settled. i agreed. everuthing was fine. later, i gave an intro to one of juniour who was very close friend of mine. that was time for me to leave campus. i left to my home town... 3 months have gone. he has changed a lot. keeps speaking with my friend but

  • 13 years ago

    as all would fall in love i fell for a guy who was my lecturer in college. since i fell he had an affair with an another girl. i never proposed him. i kept looking him from far away for couple of years. later when i was in my final end of col days, wen i knew he had a break up with that girl, i thought of proposing him.

    i started to speak with in the name committee member as he was heading it. that was only reason i went into the committee, as hez 5 years elder to me he is bit matured. he was good, loving and at times i felt the warmth of his love. one day i decided to propose him. we were on phone late nites and finally i proposed him.

    that nite he told me to wait for a year to look into things and factors to get him settled. i agreed. everuthing was fine. later, i gave an intro to one of juniour who was very close friend of mine. that was time for me to leave campus. i left to my home town... 3 months have gone. he has changed a lot. keeps speaking with my fri

  • 13 years ago

    Let it go it sounds likes he doesn't appreciated you and is taking advantage of your love. It also sounds like he is cheating on your or likes your friends more than you.find someone who will treat you better and is over their ex!!!

" When I look into your eyes, brown like the chocolate you love, my soul suddenly cries, knowing I will feel no love. Then ... " » Full Quote

- John Doe» Love Quotes

Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther

Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★
The Duke’s Daughter
Monday morning at the castle I arrive
Homeless, and deprive
The only family I have was a white Pekin
A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.)