a problem in love

10 years ago

i love ma gal very much even she,but one day she had a wrong thought that ma parents will think only because of her i'm getting spoiled i don't know how to make her understand....she messaged me that she wanna leave me i tried to call her but she doesn't attend the call she asked me to message me i can't express ma sadness through this and many problems are accouring many times to me,i don't know why it is happening only to me so....i need her back i love her very much........i'm dare enough to do anything for her........what i need to do now to solve this problem permanentley.....??

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  • 10 years ago

    Well, she might just be hurt of what your parents thought of her. You must give her time. Girls are emotional and we sometimes stay away from our loved ones for a while to think.

" Love is not about how many times u say "I LOVE U" but how much u can prove it is true!!! "

- jody mentel» Love Quotes

Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther

Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★
The Duke’s Daughter
Monday morning at the castle I arrive
Homeless, and deprive
The only family I have was a white Pekin
A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.)