Love Sayings ♥ Quotes & Sayings About Love

Its not always easy being in Love. Sometimes it needs inspiration, sometimes it needs comforting. The love sayings given below portray love as a reflection, love as a vision and sometimes love as deception.

This is a collection of the best love sayings and quotes. Sayings about love that inspires and motivates and get you through the most difficult times.

Love Sayings and Quotes

  • LOVE lasts FOREVER so DO NOT waste it on some one YOU KNOW doesn't LOVE YOU BACK!

    -Hailee Vincik
  • true LOVE does not have a happy ending because true LOVE never ends.. <3

  • When i first saw u my heart stopped ,my brain stopped there were birds flying around my heart . Only u were on my mind and you still on my mind and heart . So this is what i want to say baby ''I LOVE U''

  • your eyes are like the moon
    while your smile is bright as the sun

  • Your voice is my favorite sound,
    Your name is my favorite word,
    Your hugs are my favorite feeling,
    Your smile is my favourite sight.
    I love You,
    You are amazing!

  • I want me and you to be a perfect and helpful peer... My life with you I want to share.

  • Love is like rain that touches land after long summer
    It brings freshness and life into you and everything around you

    Lucky Love
  • I want the deepest darkest sickest parts of you that you are afraid to share with anyone because I love you that much

  • Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

  • Love Horoscope
  • Past Life
  • Past Life
  • Love Pictures
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