worst thing you could've not ever imagined with your relationship

10 years ago

while you are contented with your single life,.. while just enjoying yourself with your families and friends trying to forget all those unsuccessful relationships you'd been through, every hatred, those jerks that left you with no reasons, there you are just surfing the net. then suddenly facebook chatbox pops and then your EX from a far far away land whose more than 10,000 plus miles away from you. a relationship you had while you were in your secondary level at school. he suddenly reconnected with you and you are just being nice and polite to reply with his messages then the time flies with in just a week he asks you if he could still have his another chance and you'd fallen in love with just a short period of time then you said yes.. then after few months then he suddenly become cold and colder and asks for some space. you did everything, all the effort to save the relationship but he just left with no words.. why do these things happen? when he gave you no reasons. no goodbyes,...

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" "I want to be in a relationship where you telling me you love me is just a ceremonious validation of what you already show ... " » Full Quote

- Steve Maraboli» Love Quotes

Love Poem - SECRET

Author: Colin★★★★
There is a secret i need to share,
That your beauty cant be compaired,
Your heart so bright just like the sun in the
Life has proved your soul is true, ...(Cont.)