13 years ago
what should I do? I found a boy at holiday and he said he loves me and kissed me.. he was trying to impress my mom all the time.. nd he want to come and visit us someday.. but... I found him at facebook and it's saying that he's married.. but he is working all day long.. mostly 15 hours a day.. could it be true? or could it be a thing from the past? or could it be a joke? what shall I do? Is it smart to still have contact with him or not? because I really love him and it's so worse because I never felt like this before.. my love for him is the biggest love I ever had..
" "The way I chose to express my Love to you might have gone wrong, but the True Love I have for you is always ... " » Full Quote
- Maheshwari....» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Take This Ring
Author: Xavier Johnson★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
I used to ask myself what love is all about. I only know that it's something I cannot be without. I think of you when I wake and before I sleep. Not having you to complete me just makes me weak. I love everything about ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |