What should I do?

10 years ago

Once there was my classfellow Ali Raza whom i loved alot. Still love him. The fault is all mine that i couldn't propose him. I never told him that how much i love him. He iz gone. I miss him alot. Another boy named dawood came into my lyf. He lovez me alot. I have also fallen into love with him. Dawood all knows about Ali. He says me not to cry over ali n to have patience . But i can't stop. I can never 4get ali bcz he iz my 1xt love :'( ahhh yuck :'( em so stupid. Y i couldn't propose ali. Dat waz only bcz of fear of being reject by him. I won't 4get him. I won't. Wat should i do????? H8 my lyf...

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" "I love you not only for what you are,but also for what I am when I am with you." "


Love Poem - En Kadhali

Author: Phoenix babu★★★
Un kalanikalai kuda
Pookadai ilthan