Walking Away

10 years ago

Hi, I am in a relation with a girl for 8 Years. We are distant from each other around 1200 Kms but we kept talking on phone with occasional meetings! her family was not accepting me but she was trying to convince them. Last time when we met i asked her to try hard, once i will be back again we can sit with them & discuss. In between they found a match for her, however later they found horoscope not showing good signs.But she in the meanwhile met him and found him good, she started talking to him and quite regularly meeting him, as he is only 200 Kms away.I am surprised by the way she told me in 1 month she has started liking him a lot and is into a committed relation with him. I can not understand what to do and what not. I want to settle things gracefully, however i will not be able to withstand loss of her love towards me..can you suggest someway to win her back or to end this relation with a reasonable trust remaining!!

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  • 10 years ago

    Hm I dont know what to say. Hm the distance maybe part of why she had grown to like him but there should be more to that. I was planning to advice to transfer near her place but I think its not possible. But man, you spent 8 years together, why a change of heart now? But is it really a change of heart? But hey she is quite decent for telling you. BUT I STILL THINK YOU GOTTA DISCUSS THIS MORE, THE TWO OF YOU, TOGETHER.

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Author: Priyanka thete★★★
A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
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