what do i do if the 1 i love most ever.. brings in his frens n his hobby b4 me.. he says i dont possess him n m expecting him all to myself.. the times that we are together ,,is with his fren n his hobby.. m i going wrong in this relationship? am i asking too much ? m i the one who is wrong... I just want sometime to ourselves..away from everything do somthing nice together,,share.. talk .. cos i love him... but its not the same with him.. n he says m selfish.. i just want to know from others if he is right in putting all of his time to his frens n call me selfish cos i want him for myself too... being together 24/7 he thinks its enough love..wat should i do.. should i leave him to his happiness cos i love him.. plss give me ur advices..ireally need someone to talk to now at this point of time
14 years ago
most of the guys are like tht, the thing is, thy want to show off to their friends that he has a girlfriend...! and he also loves u as much as u love him rite....? thn every thing will be alright...! and its girls nature, where they are more possesssive thn guys....! with ur possesive ness i can see hw much u love him....! and no point of fighting with him and all... coz it may lead to break ups... so handle with care....! jus go out for date (only u and him)... make him realize that u r better thn anything in the world....! softly try to talk to him regarding the problem...! and make sure no fight during the date, wait for some time, time will heel all ur problems... there is nothing wrong in u or him....! cool alll the best....!
" ''in life ..there is always one special person,,so special,,that no matter what that person does to you ..you just can't let ... " » Full Quote
- stardust el» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Love Is
Author: Inrgid Ann Charging Hawk ★★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Love Is special Love Is fine It sends warms shimmers Down my spine His touch is like ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |