i love a girl.... i thnk shes d exact match fr me..! v have nver seen each other.. jst cum close via facebook.......! nw its one year fr our frndship relation...... n i love her n i thnk she also. but she dsnt shows it.... or express it.. as even shes is scared of commiting d stranger....!
wht shuld i do to knw confirmly k she too loves me as i do....!
i dun care if hw v meet..... jst need k she too loves me....!
a bit of misundrstngs in between us bt tht coz v havent met yet once......!
soo wht shuld i do too knw kshe too loves me or nt?
n wht shuld ido to knw her better......?
to make her feell secured.?
make her smile.....laugh........n hapyyy........a lot..........1?????
iwnt k shes would b dmost happiest girl on d earth n can do ny thng fr tht.!
plz tell me.!
m jst confused..1????
" "I love you not only for what you are,but also for what I am when I am with you." "
Love Poem - My First Feeling Of Love
Author: Swati★★★ |
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Love is a beautiful feeling Which I feel wen U hold my hand first time.My Love is my Life.My Life is rough paper without my love, My love has only authority to Write on it.Everyone can Fall in Love.I Love You Jaan. |