how can i make him realize my worth so that he calls me or text me often even if he is busy then also he could try to contact me or misses me how ?? how ?? i have to wait for hours and days for his replies.. :(
12 years ago
Hi Sarah,
If u wanna make some one feel your worth...then be worthy! its Simple, you got to fill his life with ur thoughts by spending more time with him... or by sharing his thoughts...listen carefully to him when he talks....understand him....n constantly keep in touch... and one fine day, he would feel everything u want him to feel...everything on that little list of yours!
Oh Wait.....!!!! R u sure he is he worthy for u? be sure! or u might regret!!!
Cheer Pav
" If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever. "
- Alfred Lord Tennyson» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Love
Author: Prabeen★★★★ |
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love is life life is not a love love and have a good life love,love,love |