
13 years ago

i love someone but i could not talk to her......for my conservative mind....she see me every time.and standing by the window..then i see her....i love her very much... .how can i solved this problem..........

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  • 13 years ago

    hi limon,

    Its normal to feel that way that u felt right now but if u really have to say it NOW then u have to be brave enough to face her and tell her how u feel.Staring cannot solve ur problem unless uve done something to make u feel good about it."ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS", always remember that quote for u to be motivated.Good Luck.............

" "Your the brightest brilliant I've ever seen;cause you light the darkest place that I've never seen." "


Love Poem - Your Love Is Like Ecstasy

Author: Craven Dukes★★★
Drowning in the ocean of you and through the
warmth of the water, your eyes are the only
ones I see.
Your eyes feel like a warm breath taking ray
of light. ...(Cont.)