
13 years ago

my ladylove is very practical with all boys and she is being friend with mostly boys i cant bare i dont know why i am very possesive and she cant change her i too cant bare pls tell me a solution pls..it causes so much problems among us

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  • 13 years ago

    She isn't going to stop talking to her friends just because you don't like it, you should trust her. You can talk to her about it but i still think you would feel the same way and so would she. You just have too let it go and if you love her, you have to trust her. It is a basic must on the foundations of a happy relationship.

  • 13 years ago

    Also if you say she is practical and behaves well, doesn't flirt i don't really know why you get angry if you have even admitted it is harmless. Sorry.

" When I look into your eyes, brown like the chocolate you love, my soul suddenly cries, knowing I will feel no love. Then ... " » Full Quote

- John Doe» Love Quotes

Love Poem - An Illness

Author: Huney'Beeh★★★
This pain in my heart that I can't explain,
Each day this pain I gain and gain
Wish you were with me
But this is what we call destiny.
You can't always get what you want ...(Cont.)