plz help me can i find that my grlfrnd is loyal with me.

14 years ago

i had a grl frndbut sometimes i feel that she is hiding something from me, and sometimes she used to talk to his ex boyfrnd also. but after asking queries she always replied that she hate her ex boyfrnd very much, she told that his ex boyfrnd died for her, but i come to know that she is talking to him regularly. or can u plz tell me some idea how can i identify if she is having another boyfrnd. plz reply soon bcoz i love her very much.

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  • 14 years ago

    Hi, well Hunnie its simple if you still think that she is in contact with her her ex then maybe she is, just keep an eye on her when eve she is on the fone with somebody specially when she says just a freind ... and also ask her direct if she is in contact with somebody and if she doesnt have no eye contact with u or anything like that tries to twist the story around then yes she might be cheating on u , and always to catch somebody u need to look at ther body language when they are tellin u a lie or makein up a story . hope that does help .

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Love Poem - My First Feeling Of Love

Author: Swati★★★
Love is a beautiful feeling Which I feel wen
U hold my hand first time.My Love is my
Life.My Life is rough paper without my love,
My love has only authority to Write on
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