Please help me :'(

12 years ago

Well I'm in love with this guy but he keeps sending me mix signals. When we walk home together he puts his arm around me & hugs me alot but when were at school he barely talks to me :( . I feel so confused because I use to like him before but I knew it wasn't going to happen so I tried to forget it worked for a while then lately I've been walking home so we end up walking together & now my feelings are back.....What should I do???

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  • Pav
    12 years ago

    Hi abazaba,

    Its understandable why he ignores you at school, he does'nt want to attract unnecessary attention on ur relationship, its good if he wants to keep a low profile and be personal with you.
    I guess you must just play along and not concentrate and confuse urself with wt happening at school. Be in the moment. All you have to do is, be aware of his closeness with other girls. If you are in school then my advice to you is, to take it easy, life is just a start for you dont be too serious on him. u might regret it later.


  • 12 years ago

    Hi abazaba,

    Its understandable why he ignores you at school, he does'nt want to attract unnecessary attention on ur relationship, its good if he wants to keep a low profile and be personal with you.
    I guess you must just play along and not concentrate and confuse urself with wt happening at school. Be in the moment. All you have to do is, be aware of his closeness with other girls. If you are in school then my advice to you is, to take it easy, life is just a start for you dont be too serious on him. u might regret it later.


    I'll try doing that :) thanks for the advice pav

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I used to ask myself what love is all about.
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without. I think of you when I wake and
before I sleep. Not having you to complete me
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