Please help fast

13 years ago

As college started i though tht one boy in my class likes me then slowly we were friends and then i also fall in love with him. But then after some days a new girl came in our class my lover was attracted to her and they were best friends. I was his first female friend in college but when that girl came everything was ruined. From fake account i know that he doesn't love me...then i think it was only a crush for a day or 2. In between the whole year we joked, laugh hell badly, mimicary of each other, we also had a fight every other day. But then when 1 year got over in the end that girl n my lover had a fight and now that girl don't talk much to my lover. My lover shares every feeling of his with me so he said i can't see her with other boys so i guess he kind of likes her. And the problem is also that i wont be in 2nd year with them for some reason so i hav ponly contact with him through chatting. I can't let any other girl in his life... i can't see him with any other girl, i love him alot. Please tell me what should i do??? he also says that im his amazing friend..ah can't understand the situation...he also seeks help from me to be close with that girl and i also help from the fear that i might loose him...please help me..

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  • 13 years ago

    Oh dear, you have put urself in such a heart ache. You are doing the right thing. if he is in love with her then let him find out with time if she is the one for him. if you really think that you are in love with this friend of yours then be with him and give him that time. take care of him in his heart break and dress up and talk and do what he likes. in short try to attarct him toward you, but slowly and with time. Take care.

  • S
    13 years ago

    being a boy i can tell u that he doesn't want to lose that girl because he thinks that he is about to lose her. By doing exactly what he wants, u can never get what u want. Do the opposite, u will start getting his attention. Make another gud male friend, laugh with him in your lover's presence. Give the other boy much time in presence of your lover. Then c the magic.

  • 13 years ago

    amm yeah i hav 4 other good male friends too and he knows as they r also his friends but i dont stay with them as long as i stay with my lover and talk with him. but now as u hav told me i will stay with one of them as long as i can and will hav fun dring my lover's presence. nut i dont know why i feel this will not work but may be...

  • 13 years ago

    and yes one more thing i wanna ask is tht as i metioned that they both had a fight and in between we had little bit of friendship....and when they had a fight after that he made me his bestie but i think he tries to jealous her that girl was also saying the same to me as she and other 2 girls in my class kind of knows tht i love these 3 girls are very good friend of my lover as they hav interaction with him more than me and one whole year i am being jealous :( so tell me that is he really trying to jealous her or he really wamts to be my good friend?? so confused because we chat most of the time dont write where she can see so...and we hav a nice talk.

  • S
    13 years ago

    Dear Natasha,
    Tell me one thing did u not feel jealous when he started talking to the other girl????? Yes u did. It is very much possible that he is using u to make the other girl jealous and this is the best way to know. If your having fun with some other guy doesn't bother him it means he doesn't love you. Then I will suggest u to leave him.

    Dear u r a beautiful girl, don't get pissed off because of someone who doesn't love u even he is using u.

    Keep one thing in mind don't fall for someone to an extent that he may crush u and go away. There is no space for ego in love but u should not lose your self-respect.

    Wish u luck and i will pray for u.

  • 13 years ago

    ohh thnx for the wishes and prayers...but forgetting hum is a very difficult task....btw i hav tried to forget him before too but i just can't...i don't know why :( and personally he talks me in such a sweet way he says me that u r vdery nice friend of mine, once he also commented on foto saying u looking cool...he all says this in chatting its only between us its not that he is jealousing her because she cant see wat we r talking.....i dont know is he really really really wanted me as his good friend :/ amm btw should i be his friend as i love him???

  • 13 years ago

    did he ever propose u first that he loves u.
    what does u both converse all the?
    does he always speaks all the time of that girl itself or dose he spear some time for u to have fun and casual talk b/w u both.
    if this happens like he spear some time for u then make him to feel better and try to make him to come out his mood and make him to feel happy by ur side and u just again bring him into the topic and say directly to him that how can i help u in ur love by loosing my half-part of my life. just tell him clearly that u need him through out ur life and u r in love with him. and then just wait for wat he say.

                         if u need any suggestion mail me to [email protected]

    if u r there in facebook then come to me in facebook with the same mail-id above.
    bye hope u would get a +ve result

  • 13 years ago

    Yeah he spear some time for me too we have really nice talk, he make me laugh, sometimes we also have lil bit fights its all cool between us but he treats me only as a friend, he usually says me his sister. As u said "try to make him to come out his mood and make him to feel happy by ur side" i do the same thing. But as u told me to say him that i love him directly, this is what i really can't do because as i mention in the question that i got to know that he don't love me from fake account in that talking i also realize him that i love him but he don't know that was me, i talked him saying that im a love guru, and from tht talking i also got to know tht he also thinks that i love him. The next day in college he had a fight with that 3 best female friends and one of them said me to come on her seat...back to her seat my lover was was only a gap of 2 seats between her and mine and when i sat there my lover immediately changed her seat and go away from now

  • 13 years ago

    actually i did not get wat ur saying from "from fake account in that talking i also realize him that i love him but he don't know that was me, i talked him saying that im a love guru, and from tht talking i also got to know tht he also thinks that i love him." i did not get the above 3lines so i am not able to suggest any thing. if u make it clear i will try to make out something for u.

  • 13 years ago

    i said, from fake account i was talking from him as a love advicer....i was trying to know who he loves and by talking i got to know, at that time he didn't love any girl from our class...he had crushes on other girls...then as in class i had been trying to give him hints that i love him and by talking from fake account i got to know that he already knows a lil bit that i love him then i said to him that yes that girl(me) loves u and finally he accepted as a whole that i really love him. thats why he behave like this the other day..

  • 13 years ago

    did u ever propose him first.
    tell me how the present situation was in b/w u both and in b/w them. just dont take anything into ur mind blindly with out getting any thing clear to u or with out any clear answers from the people whom u needed. and one more thing is don't get over emotional on him k......... tell me about wat i asked above.

  • 13 years ago

    no i didnt propose him ever as im afraid that i might lose my friendship with him....our presnt situation is that he sometimes talk to me but not daily in a very sweet way sometimes we talk personally and sometimes he discuss her with me and the present situation between them is that a month ago they had a fight and now they r again friends but not as they were previously that girl dont talk to him so much sometimes she also get rude to him but my lover wants to talk to her badly and about not hurting her anymore he takes advice from me.

  • 13 years ago

    I think you dont know real love !
    What is meaning of 4 boy friends !
    Love seriously you will get definatly a good feeling !
    Let me conclude that you dont love anyone you better to marry an arranged marriage :-)

  • 13 years ago

    Natasha dont worry about friendship i am saying tell directly your love with him dont worry pls best of luck :-)

  • 13 years ago

    Sorry yaar i did not saw your story fully sorry sorry sorry :-)
    Best me luck :-)
    Tell directly your love pls pls pls :-)

  • 13 years ago

    and yes one more thing i wanna ask is tht as i metioned that they both had a fight and in between we had little bit of friendship....and when they had a fight after that he made me his bestie but i think he tries to jealous her that girl was also saying the same to me as she and other 2 girls in my class kind of knows tht i love these 3 girls are very good friend of my lover as they hav interaction with him more than me and one whole year i am being jealous :( so tell me that is he really trying to jealous her or he really wamts to be my good friend?? so confused because we chat most of the time dont write where she can see so...and we hav a nice talk.

  • 13 years ago

    hey dont worry,here i come to solve ur prblm....first ilike to see ur happy loughing face......hurry up

  • 13 years ago

    oh grl,dnt wry try 2 impress him n on a special day u nly express ur felngs in a gud manner,let the entire love cum out within you,then surely he ll cum in ur side,dnt think that he ll nt accept as a frnd bcoz boys never miss a sweet frnd like u,b cool dear.

  • 13 years ago

    hey dont worry,here i come to solve ur prblm....first ilike to see ur happy loughing face......hurry up

    :) hmm i smiled now plzzz help me :)

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