married and 10yrs his snr.he is married and live in different state from his wife,they never get along.he and my husband are very good friends.he persued me and i went for it as i found him very attractive.he shows inso many ways he cares yet tries to hide it.he broke it off after i asked him to try and work thing out with his wife.said he will try.after this he does not touch me anymore,but sneaks a peak at me from time to time.he always makes a way to come to my house.wa make sure we're never alone.if i pick up the phone and aske for help he drops whatever he is doing and comes to my rescue.when we started out he told me that he does not want to brake my home,is he denying what he feels for me due to this and also due to the fact that he and my husband are like brothers.also he has made no attempt to try and work things out with his day before all af this he said that he does not know if he'll ever be able to love again as his wife really broke him and does not know how to love anymore.he told me that he is extremely attracted to me and extremely comfortable around me.after the brake up i asked him if he would still be there for me as he has promised when we started out.yes he reolied in a firm voice,anything for you,anytime,anywhere.all you have to do is call.i'm here for you.i don't know what to make of this.i have very strong feelings toward this man.i have never been unfaithfull to my husband nor he to his wife.this is the first time for both if us.this man i can't lie,he captivates me.we are both the type of people that wont give the oppersite sex a second look.i know ican never look at another man in this fasion and ithink it is safe to say the same for him.(not in his character).both of these men respect me alot.know this though you may feel i'm crazy, the heart can not be husband is and always will be my first love and priority.thanx for your insight and feedback.
need a mans perspective
13 years ago