my love

13 years ago

my lover is avoiding me for her parents.but she is loving me.what can i do to convince her

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  • 13 years ago

    You really found a way to make this whole prcoses easier.

  • 13 years ago

    hi aru i'm also suffering from same region don't warry
    she is not leaving you,

  • 13 years ago

    if you really love each other, you both have to prove into her parents that you deserve to be together..

" "Your the brightest brilliant I've ever seen;cause you light the darkest place that I've never seen." "


Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther

Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★
The Duke’s Daughter
Monday morning at the castle I arrive
Homeless, and deprive
The only family I have was a white Pekin
A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.)