how can i make better my relationship with my boyfriend? i really cant look at his eyes and he doesnt trust me.
11 years ago
first ask yourself do u really love him? do u always get butterflies when he ask u to meet u up or when he texts u a GM msg? if yes then u love him.. first it will took sometym to get comfortable for a gal.. n u should too msg him sometimes to meet u up.. i think u are not having contacy with his eyes.. because u fell ur appearance is not that good that will make him stop for u forever.. girl dont worry ! u r way too beautiful than those other bitche swho can get laid at any cost..he doesnt looks up to u because u r pretty or wat.. he loves u because u r with him wat u actually are.. n this is too special! dont loose confidence.. becuz guys like confident gals.. if u make him a eye contact.. believe me he will neva forget that eyes n may eventually be drowning ! hahaaaha A gals asset is NOT her BEAUTY but its the CONFIDENCE... she carry on while walkin n while she's with her man.. all the best (y)
11 years ago
First think do you love him if yes then just try and talk to him and spend more time together. and ask him wether he really loves you
11 years ago
I recently had the same problem with my boyfriend. But I talked about it with him and he trust's me now because I talked to him, what i'm tryin to say is talk things out!! y'all may NOT be right for eachother
11 years ago
well first of all a real boyfriend should trust you i mean like part of a relationship is having trust second i dont think he is worth it i would dump him
11 years ago
discuss the prblems wid him coz disscussion can really help u out if u really lov him ask him the reasons y nd wen nd wt things are irrits=ating him
11 years ago
if he doesnt trust you then break up with him or just try to talk things out and i agree with keeley and
" If you love truly you will die daily... "
- Subash» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Yours Never Again
Author: Ashley★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
forever and for alaways to NEVER be yours again even if you never knew for i am through with ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |