13 years ago
My best friend recently told me she has feelings for my best guyfriend, who has feelings for her... And i know I should be happy for them and everything.. But I don't want them to start something and then forget all about me. I love tyhem both, and they both mean the world to me. So I don't want any wrecked relationships because of this. And I am NOT jealous, infact I have a boyfriend, who I really like, and that's why this is bugging me, I don't know what my problem is.... Please help!!!!!
13 years ago
do you have a feelings in your best guyfriend?
13 years ago
No, I kused to but I only see him as a friend, a close friend, nothing more!
" If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever. "
- Alfred Lord Tennyson» Love Quotes
Love Poem - FINE
Author: Britney★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Are you a Love Letter? cuz u have FINE written all over u! |