11 years ago
my marriage is big problem .... my husband always fighting with me what can I do.....I am bit confused..... my marriage is going breaked
11 years ago
no woman should let a man put his hand on her.. To the man he don't have no type of respect.. but if was me ill give up cause Im not about to sit here and let him put his hands on me
11 years ago
try finding whats going on and try solving it together but if he wants to do it alone leave hime be but stay close
" If I was given a choice between eternal life or A day with you, I would chose to spend a day with you. For I know that day ... " » Full Quote
- Odaine Démar » Love Quotes
Love Poem - My Favourite Hippy
Author: Daniel★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Our personalities mesh and mingle, Your voice so soft and sweet, Inside I feel this tingle, I want to sweep you off your feet. Our conversations go on for hour after hour, ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |