marriage confusion

10 years ago

We are in relationship since 2 n half yrs bt he has nvr thot of marriage bt nw i m of marriage age n my parents r forcingg me for marriage n he is very much confused coz he is nt able to leave me o nt able to decide for marriage at times he is ready n even cries n fter sum days he feels dat if ne thing happens wrng then lives of both will be spoiled he dnt want to loose me as well s his free bird life and is nt even talkin to his parents rite nw reason dat dis is nt his age n he says wenevr he feels like wedding i m his 1st prefernce. kindly help us wid better solution coz i cnt leave widout him it feels like dying every moment. plz suggest on vry urgent basis any discussion gurther vl ans d questions

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Love Poem - My Favourite Hippy

Author: Daniel★★★
Our personalities mesh and mingle,
Your voice so soft and sweet,
Inside I feel this tingle,
I want to sweep you off your feet.
Our conversations go on for hour after hour, ...(Cont.)