
13 years ago

i love my boyfriend and have living relations. but he is out of cast. and my parents are strict in these matters. so please tell me what should i do? I can not leave him. i love him sooo much.

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  • 13 years ago

    I think you should follow your heart and don't listen what anyone says it your choice at the end of the day and noone should tell you your wrong and for parnets eplain to them that you like him and like them to get to know him better maybe things welll change always follow your heart it the best thing to do hope my adivice helps you and everything works out

" I don't know whether to smile because we're friends or cry because that's all we'll ever be.... "

- anonymous » Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love Is

Author: Inrgid Ann Charging Hawk ★★★★
Love Is special
Love Is fine
It sends warms shimmers
Down my spine
His touch is like ...(Cont.)