Loving two people at the same time

12 years ago

I found my self Falling for guys that lie to me? After he told me he loved me. I found out that he had another girl pregant right before we got together

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  • Pav
    12 years ago

    Beverly, Sorry that your love crashed. The worst thing happened here is,
    he completely screwed up your BELIEF SYSTEM ....!!!!!!!!

    It will take a lot of time for you to trust a guy again in your life.
    Try to come out of this gloom asap! Tc

  • 12 years ago

    hm... seems like u r too quick into relationships, thats y fell for a guy hu lied to u,well...wat more to say other than...move on. Take ur own time to fall in love and to know d person before u make a big leap...
    get involved in other stuff dat u did b4 u met this guy and try to overcome the pain u have in u... u have got a better life and a better choice ahead...
    All the best!!!

  • 12 years ago

    i have 2 guys who iam madly in love but i don't know wat one is sweet and senseable and knows how to treat A lady but the other one is strong and nice and know how to rub a lady wat should i do

" ''in life ..there is always one special person,,so special,,that no matter what that person does to you ..you just can't let ... " » Full Quote

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Author: Savannah★★★
Sisterly love,
Sisterly love isn't just any love
A speicial kind of love it's when
u ...(Cont.)