Love to Death

11 years ago

When life ends, love ends...... Cutting is what some people do because they get bullied or think they don't belong in this world but if you cut yourself think about how it'll hurt you but remember your parents are still there, so when it hurt you, it hurts your parents more. So when you think of it don't because it can lead to another death,,,,,

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" Marriage has no guarantees. If that's what you're looking for, go live with a car battery. "

- Erma Bombeck» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Gone

Author: Loris★★
your always with me u are u are which makes
me so happy one more thing i forgot to tell
you was i went fishing with another man it
was so much fun i wish u could of come but i
heard u were in the hostpitil cause u got in ...(Cont.)