love hurts

11 years ago

how can i forget someone who really make me happy? is it right to let him go when i know i will be hurt?

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  • sue
    11 years ago

    it depends if you realy think hes worth it if he hasnt cheated on you or treated you bad in any other way and you think he still cares for you then i say try but be careful dont keep trying to phone or email if hes ignoring you as that will push him away more give him so breathing space and a chance to miss you too and maybe he might just get in touch again i am going through the same thing with a guy at present so i know how your feeling hes in my mind most of the time and i have now decided to give him some space with out geting in touch to see what happens good luck too .

" Marriage has no guarantees. If that's what you're looking for, go live with a car battery. "

- Erma Bombeck» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Princess

Author: Charies alcoseba★★
this how our story started
and i don't like it to be ended
the memories which i could reminisce
and in my heart it will be embraced
i thought that no one tear as apart ...(Cont.)