My best friend just so happens to be the guy I've adored for like the last two years.
He's smart and funny. I think he may like me back but I'm not sure.
He is sweet when he wants to be and he gets closer and all that other stuff that is supposed to be signs like that. I don't know how or what to tell him that I like him. I did it once before and he said we were close friends but that was over a year ago. I want to tell him again and in person but I'm scared... I don't know what to do.
13 years ago
Hi Luna,
Maybe you should tell him, he could be feeling the same way but scared to tell you how he feels. Maybe he thinks you've gotten over him over the last year. Try seeing his actions and see if they show the fact that he likes you more than a best friend.
Hope this helps...
" the most beautiful event is when you saw the person who you loved being happy and smiling like an angel "
- Aurelia Wipranata» Love Quotes
Love Poem - My Favourite Hippy
Author: Daniel★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Our personalities mesh and mingle, Your voice so soft and sweet, Inside I feel this tingle, I want to sweep you off your feet. Our conversations go on for hour after hour, ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |