Hi friends i'm vijay kodaikanal i'm in love with priya. We love each other for last two years in last two months before i ha some problems so i cannot contact with her after ten days i have send a message to her but she was not care about my feelings she said i'm in love with another guy he earn fifty thousand per month. And asked me vijay you don't have any job and properties etc etc. But i con't forgot her i have attempt a suicide two time she says "i don't feel if you dead". Please help me. Her name is priya studying in IIET thiruvallur.
11 years ago
Hai vijay dont think abt her jst leave it take it easy The real loss is for her, Bcz No body else can love her lk you and she had lost your love, a sincere lover But u had lost only a person whom doesnt loves you just think positively. This is not my words i read this in another website but it is useful to divert your mind vijay just think positive. If the girl really loves you she is not gone to another person. you are not that much low,what happen if she is gone,she went awaybecause she thinks that she will be happy in doing that,look forward or lets not waste time in unnecessary thoughts again,there are lots of girls. Girls have greater healing power than boys,they can easily adapt aftera short time and mainly cares who are near to them. Boys in this case hurt mostly,next time do not believein crocodile tears when girls weep.The true love never fails and you may get a life much greater than previous. ("I'm also studying IIET mech final year")
11 years ago
run..dont walk jst run frm her.....she dont deserve your love...u knw the reason.... some1 more beautiful in heart is waitin for u somewer.......
11 years ago
hello... im in love with this girl.. and she was in love with me... well i dont exactly know if he really did or does... but one day suddenly she started too hate me.. she said she doesnt want me to love her and stuff... but one of her friend told me before that she is pretending to love me.. but im trying too prove her friend wrong.. and when i ask her wats the reason to hate me suddenly or something she keeps saying "idk" ... i always tell her that i dont want to lose her and all butt its not working...
i just want to know wat to do ?
11 years ago
run..dont walk jst run frm her.....she dont deserve your love...u knw the reason.... some1 more beautiful in heart is waitin for u somewer.......
Thank you so much for giving this.. .
11 years ago
pls give her ph num........................................................................................???????????
11 years ago
Friends i feel so bad i think my life is end here i connot live without her
9 years ago
dnt wry ..leave her....please be wait ....best life partner wil come to ur life so dnt wry....
" i'm not afraid to die, but my fear is if i die, who will love YOU as much as i do? "
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Sex
Author: Cc lajuette★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
he says that he loves you you say it to. he pulls down his pants and yours to.he knows that you love him but he still dose it to. 9 months later you plow up and next thing you no he caught a truck.and that should tell you ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |