i love someone but he says that he don't love me. He cares me,he always want to meet me,always want to talk me,want to know everything about me and my life. I love him very much but I am confused he loves me or not. what would i do?????
11 years ago
Is there a big age difference? if there is he might be pretending "for your own good". He might think you would be better of with someone your own age.
11 years ago
May be hez in another relationship.. and then policy is " look but not touch"
So better skip him
11 years ago
mujsy kise ne wafa nhn ki aj tak q da my custen piz rip me
11 years ago
he love u verry much if he dont love u he does not care about u ........
11 years ago
first off learn how to make sentences understandable but its tell u LEAVE HIS BROKE ASS
11 years ago
he said he dont luv! it means he dont. 2 mi it simz lyk he lyk u,so dnt b confused by dat coz luv & lyk a 2 differ tingz. u said he lyk 2 meet u bt u ddn't tl us dat wen u meet u giv him da meat(sex). u dnt hv 2 diney on dat1 coz if u realy luv him am sure u wil open ur legs 4 him. 2 me it means dat he like u as his sex toy. Pic of advice wen u c him run awy wif ur pussy,nxt tym open ur heart first nt ur legs! dey say Chinaes man(fake) dey say;"i luv u bcoz i lyk u, bt real man say;"I like u bcoz i luv u! I n I rest mi case!
Blessed more Fire!
11 years ago
I think that he's trying to protect you becuase one of the guys at my school always and i mean always does that to me but he's trying to protect me from mean and nasty rumors and that probably why.
11 years ago
HE want s sex.......sorry. if he he would care then he would be with you.
" "To my dying breathe i cannot forget you, to my aching heart i cannot touch you but still after all the pain i felt my mind ... " » Full Quote
- Jharana C. (im only 12 ._.)» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Love Is
Author: Inrgid Ann Charging Hawk ★★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Love Is special Love Is fine It sends warms shimmers Down my spine His touch is like ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |