love climax

14 years ago

once a boy liked me and he made a frndship with me.i didn't knew about anythin that he loves me.after sometime he proposed me but i said him no because at that time of my life i didn't believe in love. he didn't argued wiyh me an said me 'atleast we can be frnds now'. so i said yes to we became frnds thereafter. but after sometime of our friendship he was not able to control his feelings and started liking and loving me more than he loved me before. he expressed his feelings to me and said me that he cannot control himself from loving me..But at that time i take it as a joke and thought that ,he is just feeling an attraction and affection towards me ,so he is thinking that he loves me.i asked some of my frnds that should i say him yes or not.i consulted with them to make a decision because i was also liking to talk and spent time with him.but my frnds said no ,i should not say him yes.they also gave me some reasons that''he is not qualified to u,he is not ur type,he is just playing with u and will throw u out frm his life after sometime etc.'' t that time they were very close frnd of mine,so i thought that they are showing the right path to me. like this with some more reasons they did a brain wash of mental situation was very confused and i thought that they are perfectly right.But the boy every time tried to explain me and prove to me that he truely loves after this there is a holidy gap of durga puja.
After holiday the first day of school-
i and a frnd of mine named moumita were going to i said she did a brain wash of me by saying all those things that i mentioned before. and i was totally confused about everything.The whole day i didn't talked with him .But after tiffin time he came to wish me 'shubho bijoya' ,but my head was bursting with fire and angryness after hearing moumita,but i calmly replied him,he didn't went frm there after wishing me,he was standind there to talk with me ,but i calmly said him that i don't want to talk with him at that time.but he was not going frm there and was standing there to talk with me .but then also i said him four or five times that i don't want to talk with him.but then also by standing there he was creating a scene there and i was feeling embrassed,i requested him many times to go frm there but he was not going,so my angryness in my heart burst and i insulted him badly. he went back to his seat and was crying.i was really feeling bad for him,at that time the teacher entered in the class and i was unable to do anything.after that he didn't come to school for many days. after that day both of my frnds who did a brainwash of me broke the frndship with me and never talked to again.

              While this time i was feeling something soft in my heart  for himand i didn't know what was that. i suddenly started missing him.i was thinking about  him whole day.i wanted to talk with me but was helpless.
    At this phase i was very lonely,in school no one was intrested in talking or frndship with me.but by god's grace a girl named manisha and i became frnds.i told her all my problems.Then after hearing me and my feelings she explained and proved to me thai i really love the first i didn't believe her and thought that she is also trying to play with my emotions.but then i myself realised thati really really love him.
                  So i decided to say sorry to him, explain him the situation and patch up with him.

one day i took his phone no. from a frnd and called him,at first he cut the line and was not ready to talk with him.then my frnd manisha called him and tried to make him understand .then he said that he will talk to me.
i called him but he was very angry frm me and said me to say sorry to him between the whole class because i insulted him between the whole class.but i said him that it is not possible for he said tht its ok,but he don't want me back in his life because he have a new girlfriend ,he loves her a lot and she also loves her a lot.he said me that at present also he loves me but he cannot betray her,because at the time i insulted him he was lonely for a long time but after that she came to his life,she gave a new light to his life and teached him to leave i requested that ,allthis happened for a miss understanding,lets patch up and just be atleast''hi'' , ''hello'' frnds but he did not agree.,because the way i insulted him he can never forget ,but he still love me.
I also loved him a looooooooooooooottttttttttttttttttttttt but cannot do anything.I desparately want him and his love back in my life ,but as the situation is it is not possible .
Many times i tried and decided to forget him and start a new life,but it is not possible by me.
i reallllyyyyyyyyy looooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeee him a looooooooootttttttttt and desparately want him back in my life.
many times i tried to make him understand but he is not trying to understand the situation and just pointing out the ''insult incident''.
plsssss frnds hlp me and give me some solution. i cannot live without him.plsss hlp me.

Post Your Reply

  • 14 years ago

    now thats a very long story. the root cause of this problem is misunderstanding. you should have listened to your heart rather than your friends. how old are you guyz by the way??

    once you've explained everything to him, its for your bf to decide. don't loose hope dear, if he still loves you, he'll come back to you some day.

    gud luck

  • 14 years ago

    Hiiii Misha,
    First of all thanks for ur reply very much.I know that there is a big miss understanding between us,i tried many times to talk with him an clear it out.But he is not ready to hear anything frm me,i even tried many times through my frnds to make him understand that there is a big missunderstanding.But he is just not ready to hear anything.Every time my friend went to talk with him and tried to make him understand the situation,he is just asking one thing every time"Why did she insulted me like that? i only went to wish her shubho bijoya and to talk with her?" he is just not ready to listen anything or to understand my situation.At first he said me to say sorry between the whole class , because i insulted him between the whole class. But i said him tht it is not possible for me. then he didn't answered anything.
    He said that it is not possible for him to start a new and fresh relationship with me and he cannot betray his girlfriend for me be

  • 14 years ago

    Deepali is my pet name. Yesterday i saw the film " i hate love storys".a little bit similar story with my story naaa??? there is a happy ending in my life. but don't know if there is any happy ending in my life or not???

  • 14 years ago

    plssssssss heeeeeeeeeeellllllllllppppppppp and give some solutionssss. i am desparate abt it.

  • 14 years ago

    you are in 12th now. this is a very crucial time in your life. you shouldn't waste your time thinking about all these things, because you are going to end up ruining your life. love at your age is not true love, it is just infatuation.

    99% of school loves gets over by the time you join for college. do you think you are both going to go to the same college after your exams? the chances are very rare. and if you go to different college, what do you think is going to happen? someone who can avoid you or show affection to someone when you are around is surely going to move away from you, when you are no longer around.

    so my advice is to not to try and regain your love, but to regain your life. if you waste your time now, you will regret this through out your life. wish you all the best, once again not with your love but with your life.

  • 14 years ago

    hiii dhanya,
    thanks 4 ur advice ,i can understand what u r saying and i also think that it is the best advice for first when he proposed me i said him "no" because at that time i also thought that this is just an infatuation,not true love.But after many days of insultin him i suddenly started feeling for him. i realised that there is a soft corner for him in my heart. and now i am not able to control myself and my feelings for him. i said before that , after this incident i many times tried to start freshly and concentrate on my studies. But it is not happening. every time i take a book and try to read his thoughts comes to my mind and i cannot read anything. nowadays i am missing him a lot.
    I never believed in love before. but i cannot understand that why did he came to my life , created feelings for him in my heart and just went away.
    I think misha and dhanya,u both can give me a serious , practical and best advie,so please reply

  • 14 years ago

    plllllllllllsssssssssssss guysssss reply me fast i am waiting.......

  • 14 years ago

    it took a while to read the whole story and the replies :)

    don't mess up your studies at this point. concentrate on your studies and give your exams. he is not your lover, he is your ex lover new. the basic rule to win your ex back is - don't give him too much attention. don't give him a feeling that you are badly in need of him. ignore him and move on with your life, as of now your exams.

  • 14 years ago

    do you know what is true love? it is when a person is willing to got to any extend and to bear any pain just to make sure that his/her lover is happy. is that what he is doing to you? when you rejected him, you were not fully aware of how important he was to you. but what about him? if he knew how important you were to him when you rejected him, he should be knowing that now too. and if he is still ignoring you, then it means he doesn't care about the pain you are feeling. it doesn't matter what his intentions are, it might just to teach you a lesson or he might be really in love with the other girl. whatever is the reason, the result is the same. he doesn't care about you.

    __ 'he said that" i still love u and at that time also i truely loved u.But now i cannot betray my girlfriend" '__
    i too don't understand clearly what he is trying to say. if he is still loving you, then he is betraying his new girlfriend anyway. but my hunch is that he is still in love (true

  • 14 years ago

    Helllooo to all of u,
    First of all i want to thank all of my friends who are giving me advice and helping.i am going to call my friends because u don't even know me but then also u are helping me . And i regret to have friends like that who did a brainwash of me at that time and then they broke the friendship with me. i don't know why they did this to me.
    Thanks Rachel and dhanya for ur replies.
    Rachel, u said me that the basic rule of getting my ex back is not to give him too much attention. But do u really think that it really works?????? Because i tried this for couple of times or more than that.I really tried to avoid him an control my feelings for him.Some times i saw that when i am avoiding him or not giving him attention, i saw that he is looking at me ,staring at me and through the way he looks and through my 6th sense i can feel that he wants to talk with me. When he proposed me and i rejected his proposal, i knew that he loves me and a

  • 14 years ago

    rachel, i said u that sometimes when i avoid him he looks and stares at me ,but i missed a point to say u that sometimes when i avoid him he also avoids me or makes me feel that he is avoiding me and he is happy in his life. So do u really think that the,"not giving attention" idea really works???????

  • 14 years ago

    don't fight your friends, probably they advised you with best intentions.
    you can't win someones heart until he/she is fully convinced that you're trustworthy. also its almost impossible to read one's mind.
    all i can suggest is put in your best efforts to prove that you are trustworthy and also that you're truly remorseful for all what happened.

    did you try to find out who his new gf is?? i don't recommend this, but if you ever get a chance to explain this to his new gf, try to do it. get his permission to do so before talking to his gf, or else he may get offended. i'm suggesting this just because he said he still loves you but has no intentions of betraying his new gf.

    you guys are probably below 20 and you've got a long life ahead of you. so even if nothing happens the way you expect it to happen, don't worry, just move on.

  • 14 years ago

    HHIII Misha,
    I think that u are taking me wrong. i didn't fight with them and don't even said a single word to them in ant type of objection. i always prefered them first.i think that u r misunderstanding me. Even while having a friendship with that boy i always prefered them first and their opinion.i think that is the point frm where the misunderstanding is created between me and the boy.Because if i have trusted him 1% at that time then this thing would have never been happened.
    I and Moumita{ who did a brainwash of me } always went school together and after the school was over she use to come to my house and talk with me for sometime and then she goes to her home.But the last day i insulted the boy and after the school was over ,i and moumita were coming to my house and she didn't spoke to me a single word . we came to our house, she took her cycle which she kept in the morning while going to school. at the time of going back she said me that her tutions t

  • 14 years ago

    be patient ntry to convince him dont ignore or do sumthing like that.........................................................

  • 14 years ago

    plllllllllllllll guyssss reply me. i should have to make my decision as fast as possible.ppppllllllssss

" I'm praying to forget him after he told me thats his wish... damn painful.He is still not the same who was crazy on me! " » Full Quote

- Sindhu» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Missing You

Author: Harani★★★★
Its not ur mistake if u cant read d eyes
which cheats u.But its really ur mistake if u
cant read d eyes which loves yo