Love breakup

13 years ago

hi , I am a student doing in POST graduate, In my college life I liked a boy , surprisely we become close friends. In short time he proposed me. With pleasure i accepted it. But in short time pf two months we got lot of conflicts because of our friends around us and he started to be at a distance. But sometimes he comes back and moves more close to me. But finally we fought and we were not in contact for past one year. since he is my own class, i want to see him daily, if i message or call , he will not he started moving close with another girl.Really its hurting very badly..I dont know what to do...

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  • 13 years ago

    Be close 2 another accept if he gets hurt than take him away and tallk 4 your future if everything be allright than plz repely

" the most beautiful event is when you saw the person who you loved being happy and smiling like an angel "

- Aurelia Wipranata» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Favourite Hippy

Author: Daniel★★★
Our personalities mesh and mingle,
Your voice so soft and sweet,
Inside I feel this tingle,
I want to sweep you off your feet.
Our conversations go on for hour after hour, ...(Cont.)